So I grew up in earthquake country also known as California. So I got used to not being able to prepare for that unexpected natural event. Fire safety was drilled into our heads, so I think I know how to avoid starting a fire but really am unsure what to do if my house catches on fire (maybe J and I should discuss that soon....just in case).
I moved to GA and experienced tornadoes and learned where to hunker down and what to bring with me into the "bunker."It's good to have an Army reservist as a room-mate who believes in being prepared and owns a battery operated transistor radio. I also learned about winter ice there because it rarely snowed - everything just froze!
I moved to New England and have weathered some what I consider to be bad snow storms. I've mastered driving in the white stuff and am even capable of shoveling it! I know to take extra clothing + blanket to work in case I get stuck; and to use kitty litter if I get stuck in a parking space....or at least I think I know how to handle snow and snow storms!
A hurricane seems like a different beast, especially with a 9 month old. J and I used to ride out power outages by eating out in the next town over and cuddling. Don't think we're supposed to be out in a hurricane and I think we need power for the baby's sake. So I've done the following:
1. asked J to get a generator (maybe he will....maybe he won't.....inBetween herein lies what you just blogged about!)
2. Bought water, flashlights, batteries, candles, matches. ready to drink formula, adult snacks.....
3. Packed everyone an overnight bag, which now includes extra diapers, wipes, plush toy + rattle and soft books, first aid kit
4. Cleared space in basement office in case that's where we end up having to sleep....thinking about making a reservation at the local hotel...just in case....
5. What else?
I guess 1938 and 1991 were bad years around here, so I want to be prepared. After all there was an earthquake in VA that was felt for several states up and across! Earthquakes aren't supposed to happen in VA and as far as I'm concerned hurricanes should stay out in the oceans and not come to New England - we get almost 6 months of snow! Give us a break!
Stay tuned for "How babies break the racial barriers adults set up" :-)
thinking of you! how'd you do in the hurricane? everyone ok?